Pareri Next Vacay

Calificativ total 2.25


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Descriere Next Vacay

We've developed a system that constantly scans thousands of databases for the cheapest possible flights to the destinations you love. You don't need to save up a ton of money to go travelling when you have the cheapest flights in the world emailed directly to your inbox. Start crossing countries off your bucket list today.

You book directly with the airline. We are not part of the ticketing process at all. Since we are member supported, we make no commission on deals or flights you take. 

- bad
Deborah Wallt, 2021-06-05

I have tried multiple ways to sign into my account, sent email to their help desk and even alerted my credit card company. I was never alerted by next vacay that they were going to charge me.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- Poor
Martene Mackie, 2020-09-22

There is no way they will provide a service. It does seem like a scam. I paid for a membership for one year and never found anything of use to me in their email deals.

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- Great
Julienne Vedrene, 2020-09-21

This service is definitely worth it. Keep up the good work! The price was lower than airlines. Thanks for your help. Truly an ingenious service and can't recommend them enough.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- Poor
Gene Harold, 2020-07-22

This company is a scam. They want your info to sell- that's it. You get nothing! After almost a week with ZERO results offered, I was forced to email to inquire why. They offered the explanation that the airlines weren't opening up flights due to COVID... Total and Complete LIE!!

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