Pareri AuthorHouse

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Descriere AuthorHouse

AuthorHouse helps writers become published authors with a presence in the market. Founded in 1997 by an aspiring author who recognized the need for a simple and effective self-publishing process, AuthorHouse has grown into the world's largest self-publisher, providing premier book publishing and marketing services to authors.

AuthorHouse is committed to providing the highest level of customer service available in publishing. Each of our authors is assigned a publishing consultant, who spends hours guiding them through each step of the publishing process.

- Average
Amna, 2021-01-11

The process has become more mechanical and fragmented, which makes it frustrating to an older author. I am proud of the content of my book, but still unable to resolve a minor but significant mistake made by Authorhouse that negatively affects the design

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- Poor
Fortnuma, 2020-12-06

They are a scam and should be shut down. I also spent a ton of money on publishing, marketing and promotion. They did nothing but only to take the money.

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- bad
Jessika, 2020-12-01

That is harassment, not assistance. They are not interested in the Author’s work, just their money. Stay clear. This company is vanity press. This means that they charge you crazy amounts of money to “help” publish you book. But they do not know nothing.

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- bad
Anosha, 2020-08-05

This is poor customer service and the agreement is very misleading. I will NOT be doing any publishing with AuthorHouse moving forward. Unsatisfied Customer.

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