Pareri CHA Tours

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Descriere CHA Tours

CHA arranges tours for teachers and students from across the U.S. and Canada. CHA works with high schools, colleges, and junior high schools as well as special interest groups such as choirs, church groups, sporting teams, and alumnae associations. CHA works directly with the teachers who form travel groups within their school community and who are responsible for chaperoning students while overseas.

CHA can provide you with incredible opportunities to explore the world and discover new countries, customs and cultures through our exciting international travel programs.

- Poor
Joan Walker, 2021-04-27

Unfortunately, most of the attractions paid for were closed and the substitutions offered by the tour company were substandard. While hotel accommodations were satisfactory, many of the meals provided were substandard since many of the original restaurants had closed, in hindsight, the tour company should have cancelled the tour and refunded our money or rescheduled the tour.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- Great
Grace Silva, 2021-02-03

We always get wonderful guides that make the trip a great learning experience for all my students. This past year we went to Rome and it was fantastic!

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

  0   1
- Poor
Antonia Wealth, 2020-11-09

We will not travel with CHA Tours again!! These kids broke their backs along with their families to earn the money for this trip and you can only offer a date to reschedule or a partial, VERY MINIMAL refund.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- bad
Riley Martin, 2020-08-16

We were left in a state hours from home attempting to get a flight in which we all fit, no transportation, no sleeping accommodations, no help. I DO NOT recommend traveling with CHA if you don't want to have to solve connecting flight issues alone.

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