Pareri DriveTime

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Descriere DriveTime

Starting with selection at auction, DriveTime sources over 200 different vehicle makes and models. Each vehicle is then sent to the reconditioning centers for inspection before being delivered to the dealership. Once on the lot, our no-haggle pricing model and belief in transparency provide a pressure-free sales environment for every customer.

Using our proprietary scoring technology and financing model, we help our customers get into the car that's right for them, regardless of their credit situation. With over 25 years of industry experience, and our dedication to streamlining the purchase process, we're redefining what it means to buy and finance a used car.

- bad
Josephine , 2021-05-13

It's been in the shop more than I've had it I have spent more on repairs than car payments they sold me an extended warranty that do not cover anything that went wrong with this car.

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- Average
Robert D, 2020-10-05

Waste of time. I called to set up an appointment, they told me the offer to buy was only valid IF I bought a car from them. That was not mentioned anywhere in the original offer.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- bad
Mary Chapman, 2020-09-27

My vehicle has been in the shop 5 times. I finally am having a new transmission put in. I am saddened that I was sold a car with issues that should have been taking care of before!!

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