Pareri Engine and Transmission World

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Descriere Engine and Transmission World

Here at Engine and Transmission World, we offer you a chance to save money along with the safety of purchasing used car engines that have been certified. This means that these car engines and car transmissions are guaranteed. Whether you're looking for Toyota used engines or Ford used transmissions, you can save by purchasing certified products for your truck or car.

Engine And Transmission World is one such name which has established its roots in this industry by delivering high quality used engines and transmissions in the USA. They are supported by their professional team of experts who have extensive knowledge of used engines and transmissions.

- Poor
Keith Walker, 2020-11-30

Received motor and motor has oil all over the outside of it and the miles they say it has is a LIE. Called to return motor and they said we will send you a email waited a week and still no email. Called and got the run around. You will never get a refund is pretty much what they are going to tell you. This is the worst place I have ever dealt with.

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- Great
Kelly Fox, 2020-11-23

it was delivered in a timely manner and when we got it in and hooked up and everything that that goes with that back in place it run like a new one .as of right now I would definitely order again and I will be telling friends and family about you guys thanks so much.

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- Excellent
Patrick Mills, 2020-11-22

They shipped the engine to the repair facility I selected. Engine shipped with no problem. Engine arrived looking like a brand new engine not used. The repair facility installed it and it runs like a new engine. Highly recommend!

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