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Descriere GRIPAD USA

At GRIPAD USA, we believe that to maximize results from exercise one needs to have the correct accessories. This is only half the story as there is much to improve in the conventional fitness industry. In this fluid environment innovation is paramount. GRIPAD USA is fortunate to be one of those leading companies.

We aim to improve the workout experience by making it safer, more hygienic, more effective, advanced and “smart”. We develop products for everyone, independent of age, fitness level or goals. It takes thoughtful development to introduce disruptive products but the unstoppable growth of the global fitness industry keeps us positive that our innovative products will become the standard. 

- Great
Mark Stephens, 2021-05-27

I tried them out during my workout yesterday. I had no issues with gripping the barbell and my hands were totally comfortable! In addition, to that they look great.

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- bad
Farrell Ownes, 2021-03-13

Small for fingers and if the product is called gripad,you think they would have some grip? These are slick and have zero grip. I should have stayed with the original.In fact I use my old worn out pair after a few sets with no grip from the new ones. Couldn't recommend these

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- Average
Jeffran N, 2020-10-04

They make it easy to transition between weights and machines where you need them, or don't! They are well made and durable. I was very glad that I found them.

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