Pareri Guardian Interlock

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Descriere Guardian Interlock

Guardian Interlock Systems has been the leading manufacturer of affordable, high-quality Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices for over 30 years. Our products are designed and engineered to ensure safety for everyone while helping drivers get back on the road.

Our company has expanded to 400 service centers in 26 states, all offering drivers courteous, prompt, and expert assistance. Guardian’s mission is to produce technologically innovative and reliable products at a reasonable price. Regarded as an industry leader, we have developed an affordable and accurate interlock device, in multiple configurations, to meet and exceed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration specifications. 

- Great
R Lon, 2021-04-06

Easy to use. Also the unit can be disconnected in case of malfunction so you can bring it in to be serviced instead of having to have your car towed to service the unit. Good device. Very professional and very well in customer service.

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- Poor
Barbara Murphy, 2020-11-02

Do not recommend using Guardian or Lifesafer Interlok services! Go anywhere but here. Guardian is incorrectly charging me and I’m trying to rectify the situation. No one will take responsibility and contact me regarding this error.

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- Excellent
Felicia J, 2020-09-24

Staff answered all my questions and concerns in a timely manner & it went above and beyond to make sure my needs were met. The agent was very understanding & wanted to make sure that answered everything correctly. I would have to say is one of the most respectfully persons I have dealt with in a long time.

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