Pareri LegalMatch

Calificativ total 1.75


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Descriere LegalMatch

When you need to find a lawyer, our no‐cost system provides you with access to pre‐screened lawyers through a quick and painless process. Immediately after you present your case, email notifications are sent to lawyers that match the geographic location and legal practice area you specify. Within 24 hours, your case is reviewed, evaluated, and when a lawyer is interested in taking your case, you'll receive a full attorney profile and their background information.

We'll also provide you with a full breakdown of their fee structure as well as user ratings by other LegalMatch clients to help you decide if they're the right lawyer for you. Within a few hours after you submit your case, you may receive responses from local attorneys by phone or email.

- Poor
M Hamid, 2021-07-15

Very bad experience. Sometimes I feel like I am scammed by the lawyer from LegalMatch! Hope someone will take action with them, be very careful with this guys. I definitely don not recommend this !!

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- Average
Larry Becher, 2021-07-08

The lawyer that I hired made me feel important and at ease. I felt like the solution was at hand. I can tell you to try it. At the moments all the thins look okay. Give it a go!!

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- bad
Becca Ariels, 2021-07-01

I always decline and request that they stop emailing me. They ignore that request and continue their tactics sales. A company that repeatedly ignores such a request is not a company I want to do business with. It's not a company you want to do business with either.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- bad
Terry Johanns, 2020-09-03

All the people who responded are located far away, and I was hoping to find someone closer to where I live. In my time of need LegalMatch and the lawyer took advantage of me.,they knew I need help and they took advantage on me. I am disappointed in their support.

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