Pareri Logo Frank

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Descriere Logo Frank

Our professional designers with cutting edge innovative ideas bring the highest level of creativity in working with you, to help deliver your goals. Transform your concepts to reality, give your business the boost it needs. At Logo Frank, we believe in nurturing long-term professional relation with our customers. We get it done by delivering quality productions and timely commitments.

Logo Frank is one of its kind digital agency and is known for its innovative and aesthetically pleasant services, including; 3D Logo.

- bad
Shermane, 2021-06-22

I paid for websites and never received them. They will not return calls or money. A year later they drafted my account 3 times with out my permission. Buyer beware! This company is a scam!!

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- Poor
L White, 2020-11-24

They will scam you out of your money! You will pay and not get a COMPLETED project. I have reported them. Logo frank is the top fraud agency!!

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- Poor
Smith M, 2020-10-08

They are not returning phone calls or emails. BEWARE!! I wish I would have never used logo Frank if you are reading this I hope its before you pay anything because the money I'm out for services no big deal but the money I'm loosing because I can't access my email is where it hurts do your home work!!!!!!!!!

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