Pareri MidwayUSA

Calificativ total 2.50


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Descriere MidwayUSA

Everything really starts with our Vision, which is: 'To be the best-run business in America, and the most successful, most respected business in our industry, for the benefit of our Customers.' This is a pretty bold Vision, but it's absolutely real. You can view our entire Mission Statement, Operational Goals and Culture Statement in the menu.

We realize our responsibility to provide leadership to the industry and to 'give back' to the industry and community. We support the NRA and the Shooting/Hunting Sports Industry by donating 50% of our pre-tax profits, mostly to help fund youth shooting programs. We also support our local community.

- Excellent
Thomas Guard, 2021-05-09

They run good deals and I’ve never had any issues. Shipping is average usually but never bad. I recommend to anyone.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- Poor
Nick Massey, 2021-04-05

The prices and shipping should be a zero rating but it’s not an option. Not sure how this shut show is still in business! These guys are beyond horrible and the mystery is why they don’t want to keep customers.

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- Poor
Stephen Oliver, 2021-01-25

Terrible customer service. Shop local when possible or just go somewhere else. Truly disappointed in their service. Will not buy anything from them again.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- bad
Daniel Haugen, 2020-12-26

Completely unprofessional and when asked for a supervisor ,the staff stated I would not be talking to anyone else today. I was simply trying to find a solution for my order and them completely ruined the experience.

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