Pareri Seller Investigators

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Descriere Seller Investigators


Our proprietary software identifies and summarizes all of your cases where a return or refund is due. From there, our professional analysts track each case to ensure repayment. Our simple dashboard provides you details on all open cases and payments due. The best part? There is no monthly fee or signup charge. We only charge a commission, only due after your repayments from Amazon are deposited into your account.

Seller Investigators imports all your FBA transactions from amazon, spanning from the day you opened your Amazon account until today. Seller Investigators reviews all of your products, orders, returns, and shipments that may be eligible for a reimbursement. We will comb through every item in your inventory. Seller Investigators compiles a report of all the cases and amounts recovered (per case) allowing you to track the money we recovered for your account

- bad
Prince, 2021-05-19

Is not what they say. Their staff don't have a knowledge what they do .I ask them about my cases and they say still look for...Not professional

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- Poor
Margharett, 2020-08-22

They made a promise they will help me to get my refund but even after two weeks they haven't done anything. And my money that were fast to take it.Bad impression..

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- Excellent
Schutte, 2020-07-10

Thank you Seller Investigators for your efforts in helping making us more profitable on Amazon.

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