Pareri Sky-Tours

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Descriere Sky-Tours

We run circles around our competitors by providing personalized service, an easy-to-use booking engine... and some of the lowest fares you'll find anywhere. At, you get personal service. At the MEGA agencies, you get huge call centers and scripted answers.

We want to make you happy That's because we know if we provide you with a great experience -- you'll come back again. So we try very hard to provide the best customer service possible. At, there is no waiting on hold. All customer service inquiries are handled via our highly efficient e-mail-based Support System. At the GIANT agencies, you can end up in a "calling queue" while you wait... and wait.

- bad
Mabell Lisa, 2021-06-17

There is no way to complain as the emails take weeks for a response, which is often confusing and no way to dispute it. Absolutely awful customer service.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

  0   1
- bad
Chelsea Emma, 2021-06-11

Will never book with them again. Their service is just miserable. They respond once a week saying they are working on it, but nothing actually gets done. Avoid!!

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

  0   1
- Excellent
Tommie Pullen, 2021-04-22

I got in contact with an agent and made a reservation in just a few minutes. No waiting. I was offered an incredibly amazing deal that made me save quite a bit of money. It was a pleasant surprise!

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

  0   1
- Poor
Joelle T, 2021-02-17

They have no regard for the customer, and if you'd like to speak to a customer service representative over the phone don't bother calling because they won't pick up.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

  0   1
- Poor
William Wong, 2020-11-02

I requested a cash refund, which they said was possible. Still waiting on that refund and I email them weekly. It has been over a year and still waiting. Horrible, horrible experience and will never use Sky-tours ever again.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

  0   1

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