Pareri Stitch Fix

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Descriere Stitch Fix

It’s our mission to change the way people find clothes they love by combining technology with the personal touch of seasoned style experts. The Stitch Fix experience is not merely curated—it’s truly personalized to you. We’re here to help you save time, look great and evolve your personal style over time.

We’re proud to work with thousands of passionate Stylists from all over the U.S. They’re trendsetters and fashion experts who are motivated to learn about your style and evolving needs, in order to find the perfect pieces for you. Your Style Profile answers and continued feedback powers the engine of the Stitch Fix experience.

- Poor
Tammy Alcom, 2021-05-09

They have been very extremely careless with my service with them for years and never do seem to get it right. I emailed them letters notes requests and do everything that everyone says to get them to know your styles and they still send items exactly as requested No to. I am not talking mainly about the quality of their fabric because I know they don't have natural fabrics but they send items that are quite disgusting.

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- Average
Angela Werlley, 2021-03-27

Everytime I reported a torn or broken item with pictures they sent a replacement or refund me. The clothes themselves aren't really worth the cost so just be aware you are paying for the stylist experience.

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- Excellent
Alexandra Rosse, 2020-09-13

I will never stop getting it, I've been so impressed and really look forward to mine coming every month. Great way to try things you might not pick up in the shop and you end up loving!

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