Pareri Sunber Hair

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Descriere Sunber Hair

Sunber blend fashion, happiness, and share in every product. When you choose Sunber, what you get it not any the product, but also the self-understanding of fashion and the attitude of life.

Sunber has a professional sales team. The division of sales team is clear-cut, each one being charged with specific responsibilities. We are always concerned about your order during the before-sale, selling and after-sale. Every customer is our most important customer. We are making a great effort to provide the best service and the most suitable product for you!

- bad
Lisa Poppin, 2021-03-27

The quality of the hair is not as good as I hoped it would be. It sheds A LOT & I have to brush it often to keep it from looking flat. I would not purchase this hair again. Very disappointed!!

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- Average
Maya Bears, 2020-12-22

Very happy I am a returning customer have order two wigs now and will be ordering again. It was affordable as well. The lace is made of great quality for blending and melting. I’m impressed!

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- bad
Kya Tiller, 2020-09-25

Definitely wouldn’t purchase again. Ordered a wig that was out of stock but okay to purchase nobody reached to let me know it was out of stock even though if something is out of stock it has to be updated.

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