Pareri TheBookPatch

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Descriere TheBookPatch

We are a high quality book printing company with fast turnaround and, extremely competitive pricing.Unlike most book publishing companies, there are no minimums to our print runs and no book set up fees. An author or a publisher can order a single copy or as many as needed, eliminating costly inventory.

With no setup fees TheBookPatch allows for updating and corrections when needed and the easy to use tooling  make the task fast and effortless.Having a full service bookstore with free downloadable BUY NOW buttons and a built in drop ship option, makes TheBookPatch an easy to use distribution tool that saves on shipping and provides an instant free retail capability that other (POD) book publishing companies don’t offer.

- Poor
Flicette, 2021-05-07

Don't pay them with anything that won't be able to be re-credited for a refund, you'll need it. Use a local printer- you'll be better.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- Excellent
Felicia P, 2021-05-07

The Book Patch has exceeded and met all of my printing needs! They were there for me every step of the way, even when I made a mistake. I was able to speak to LIVE people, receive very prompt responses to emails.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- bad
Robert Lee, 2021-03-29

There was an error in a log situation and I'm locked out. My email is not being accepted. I have given them the means to mail my publishing check and it's over 3 months and I have yet to receive a check.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- Poor
Galmitz, 2021-03-11

They charge more than two times the cost of the books for shipping and then the tracking info does not show any activity for over 2 weeks. They don't follow up and don't track the item themselves to assist you.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- Poor
Archeila, 2021-01-14

This last time was absolutely HORRIBLE. Do not expect any kind of actual customer service from them. They will not contact you if there is an issue with your file. They just refunded and canceled my order and did NOT refund the shipping.

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