Pareri Think Energy

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Descriere Think Energy

Think Energy is a retail electricity provider focusing on residential customers. We only offer fixed-rate electricity plans to protect your budget from big price changes found in variable-rate products. Think Energy makes it easy to sign up and gives you access to all the information you need to pick the right product  at the right price.

Think Energy knows you have more important things to do than worry about electricity. That’s why we provide peace of mind that comes with fixed-rate electricity, and we're dedicated to helping you focus your energy where it matters most – at your home. Think Energy delivers a range of benefits— including competitively-priced electricity, direct access to customer service professionals and products that have been designed to help you manage costs.

- bad
Kyle Wills, 2021-06-08

I cancelled my account and recommend to anyone looking to signup to look somewhere else. This company treats long term customers like absolute garbage with no empathy.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

  0   1
- Poor
Kevin Kohler, 2021-04-10

I never spoke with or signed anything that had to do with this company! I have no idea how they received my information because it wasn't from me and my dog is not authorized to do business for me.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

  0   1
- Poor
Katherine Margott, 2020-12-25

My contract expired and I was notified a month later that it had expired after my bill skyrocketed. Their customer service is extremely poor and I would not recommend this subpar company to anyone.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

  0   1
- Poor
Michael Parmet, 2020-08-06

Never received a notice about the contract expiring, they could never prove they sent the notice, but they sure jacked the price up four times. Really, these guys are the worst.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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