Pareri Universal Relocations

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Descriere Universal Relocations

We have educated our clientele throughout the duration of their relocation, and prepared them for each and every step. These steps may include preparation for moving, customs clearance process's, real estate options, emigration courses, simple setup at destinations and of course community integration methods. This approach has proven time and time again that not only is knowledge & experience important, although quality customer care through preparation provides our service with the soft landing every client deserves.

The all inclusive service which we offer allows families, individuals, corporate staffing and government employee's to relocate seamlessly to any destination from any origin around the world.

- Poor
Sumito K, 2021-04-20

We were all shocked to see that the TV screen was badly cracked. We took the pictures of the cracked TV in front of them. We were speechless and helpless - not knowing what to do. Nothing visible had happened to the external packaging of the TV, yet the TV inside was badly damaged.

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- bad
Rejath A, 2021-01-09

I would request you all to think twice before using Universal Relocations. The team is eager and helpful when it comes to shipping your objects but does not care about what happens to your objects and the extreme distress caused to the client.

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- Poor
Nahata H, 2020-10-03

They are the most unprofessional management and the movers. They charge extra once the shipment is in transit. They are fraud and cheaters.

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- bad
Arjeet M, 2020-07-13

They lost a package from the consignment and now for both they are just washing their hands saying insurance is not possible. It is so shameful. Their entire process is too manual .

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