Pareri VaccationTravel

Calificativ total 2.67


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Descriere VaccationTravel incepted with a vision to offer Cheap Flight Tickets, Hotel Deals, Car Rentals + Specially Curated Vacation Travel Packages via our seamless Online Travel Booking Experience & Exclusive Call only Discounted Airline Tickets.

We offer competitive prices via our exclusive & cheap airline flight offers from some of the globally trusted brands in the market. Our aim is not just to provide discounted airline tickets, but ensure seamless & incomparable on call service for a smooth travel booking experience.All of us spend a considerable amount of time & money while planning our vacations, hence we at strive to bring forth Cheap Hotel Deals & Last Minute Flight Offers for you to save while booking & spend the same amount for additional fun with your family & friends.

- Excellent
Susan T, 2021-06-06

I got great service. I was changing a ticket that couldn’t be modified online. It was a very slow process, but the man helping me was very courteous and patient.

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- Poor
Danielle Gill, 2021-04-14

I felt taken! Terrible experience. Overcharged! I cancelled ! Beware of these types of organizations that pretend to be "associated" with an airline. Their ethics are less than stellar!

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- bad
Steven W, 2020-07-28

THIS COMPANY! It is NOT legit. I was lied to over and over again. Way overcharged me! Ridiculous! No Recommendation here!

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