Pareri Warrior Trading

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Descriere Warrior Trading

Warrior Trading is one of the largest online communities of active traders and investors. We provide educational content to 460,000 active followers on social media and over 5,000 premium members. Our vision for Warrior Trading is to be the #1 resource for beginner to experienced traders who are looking for actionable trade ideas, breaking news, and daily market education.

When traders get started at Warrior Trading, they become students in our educational program. Starting on day 1 all of our students enter a structured learning path designed to teach them our proven trading strategies and systems. Our mission is to help 50,000 traders in our private community on their journey to trading success by 2021.

- Excellent
Mark Mannert, 2021-03-26

Lots of knowledge, good training, great teachers, and just a group that supports each other to grow towards your goal. With exceptional mentors, Warrior Trading offers several trading styles to suit the interests of a broad range of day traders. I recommend it highly!!

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- bad
Harold Simons, 2021-02-22

You could save a lot of money by joining a trading group and paying attention, while reading the books yourself. Trading is not easy and you have to do the work. I will not be renewing.

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- bad
Christine Lambert, 2020-12-16

What you're paying for is the convenience of someone consolidating the information for you, but you didn't learn the organic way. Instead you're taking a crash course and will have to go back and do the work yourself anyway, if you want to be successful.

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- Poor
Karen Wolf, 2020-11-13

I think with your earnings you could hire some teachers to provide better trainings and run a more professional day trading chat room. I wish to be more professional.

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- Poor
Lara Kent, 2020-07-30

There is rarely a poll of subscribers as to how they are doing, there should be a daily transparent poll for the subscribers. Do not feel there is much commitment to the paid subscribers. I will not renew and I don't recommend to anyone.

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