Pareri WordPress

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Descriere WordPress

We’re a hosted version of the open source software, WordPress. Because when you have the freedom to create, express yourself, and earn money online, the impossible becomes business as usual.

All of us work on improving and the products that help our customers find new ways to do things online. At Automattic, we roll out updates almost every day, and develop other services, from WooCommerce and Jetpack to Gravatar and Simplenote, to enhance your experience on the web. WordPress powers more than 42% of the web. Join the community. We’re committed to helping you succeed.

- Poor
Terrence Hayward, 2021-07-20

Sorry Wordpress, I won't use you anymore, you have became something that mere human like me cannot use anymore. I am very disappointed with their service and feel I have been ripped off. I would definitely not recommend this site.

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- bad
Marie Annias, 2021-07-10

Wordpress does NOT have a phone line you can call, does not have an email, and everything is handled through an obnoxious 'support' blog. They auto-renewed my site at a higher price. Do not waste your money!!

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- bad
David Gibson, 2021-05-21

They do not care after receiving their money, RUN We do not recommend this company! Wordpress are thieves !! Yes its you wordpress that I'm speaking of, these are adverts speaking of what your services offer so people join. Run fast!!!

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- bad
Sara Yusuf, 2021-01-21

Do not recommend this at all, it is honestly 100% rubbish. They could have sorted out my issues or at least put my site back as it was. Instead they left me with unrelated related products. A site that made no sense in worse state than when I approached them.

Considerati aceasta parere utila?

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- bad
Oliver Jefferson, 2020-12-07

There is NO human interaction at all. Terrible customer service and a total unwillingness to listen to the small business owner particularly a minority business owner trying to expand the business.

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